How  To Plan A Day For  Effective  Learning: - Kalvi Tips

SSLC, Plus One, Plus Two Study Materials, Question Papers, Key Answers, Kalviseithi

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How  To Plan A Day For  Effective  Learning:

9 Tips  To Plan A Day For  Effective  Learning:

1.Wake Up  as early as possible.(@ 6.00a.m)

2.Before you  take  breakfast, you  can spend nearly  2  hours of studying.(@8.00a.m.)

3.After  your breakfast  you can  able to study  nearly 4 hours (8.30-12.30p.m.)

4.Take one hour break  for  lunch  and other refreshment activities. (12.30-1.30p.m.)

5.Spend half-an-hour  for short  sleep. It will  help  your  brain get  refresh.(1.30-2.00p.m.)

6.Now  you are  ready  to  spend  another  4 hours of studying.(2.00-6.00p.m.)

7.After short  break of  refreshing  with  coffee(or)snacks,you can spend  one  hour  for recalling your  hints. (6.30-7.30p.m.)

8.After dinner you can  able to  spend  nearly  3 hours  of  studying.(8.00-11.30p.m.)

9.Sleep  well  for  6 and half  hours.

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