MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY (University with Potential for Excellence) MADURAI - 625021 RASHTRIYA UCHCHATAR SHIKSHA ABHIYAN - RUSA (Phase-2) Research, Innovation & Quality Improvement Call for Applications for Project Assistants Number of Vacancies - 123 Madurai Kamaraj University, a University with Potential for Excellence, has been supported by RUSA -Phase-II. The University is committed to Nation Building through promotion of Research and Innovation. The innovative eco system and entrepreneurship hub exist in the University, aim to nurture young talents in the emerging research themes. Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work as Project Assistants in the Research Projects sanctioned to Investigators under RUSA - Phase-II, Component 10 - Research, Innovation & Quality Improvement in various Schools in Madurai Kamaraj University. No. of Fellowships: 123 (One Hundred and Twenty Three) Fellowship: A consolidated amount of Rs. 16,000 (Rupees Sixteen Thousand only) Per Month Duration: 24 Months or coterminous with the project. Qualification: P.G. Degree in the Relevant Discipline with minimum of 55% of Marks. (5% relaxation will be given to BC/BCM/MBC&DNC/SC/SCA and differently abled) Application Procedure: For detailed information and School/Discipline wise vacancies, visit Madurai Kamaraj University (www.mkuniversity.ac.in) website. Interested candidates satisfying the above requirements shall apply through Google Online Form available at: https://forms.gle/eVWb7CvFGyxHgakq9 with uploading relevant documents/certificates. The Last date for submitting the Online Application Form is: 18.01.2021. No TA/DA will be paid for attending Written Test/Interview. The selected candidates may also register for Ph.D. in the relevant Disciplines. - REGISTRAR