Instruction to the Candidates
Subjects : PET, Sewing, Drawing and Music
As per the Notification No.05/2017 published on 26.07.2017, the Board conducted Written Competitive Examination for the Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers on 23.09.2017 and results were published on 14.06.2018. The Board published Provisional Selection list on 12.10.2018. Subsequently, revised Provisional Selection list for PET was published on 28.10.2020, for Drawing on 18.10.2019 and for Sewing on 09.09.2019 where in some of the vacancies earmarked for specific reservation turn such as Ex-serviceman Turn, PSTM Turn, PWD Turn were kept reserved due to the non-availability of suitable candidates for such turn in the certificate verification held on 13.08.2018.
Candidates were called for CV in specific reservation turn such as PSTM, DW, EX – Servicemen etc., as per the claim in their application. At the time of certificate verification, most of these candidates were found to be ineligible to be considered against the above-mentioned specific reservation turn. Hence, repeated certificate verification process is required to complete the recruitment. In order to expedite the recruitment process and to avoid multiple rounds of certificate verifications and delay, the Board has decided to ascertain the veracity of the claim made by the candidates in their application, before calling them for CV in 1:2 ratio for specific reservation turn such as PSTM, PWD, DW, Ex – servicemen. For this purpose, the Board has decided to get the relevant certificates from the candidates who were not called for earlier certificate verification process.
The list of candidates who were not called for earlier certificate verification process and claimed that they are eligible for PSTM, PWD, DW, Ex - servicemen in their application is uploaded in the TRB website. These candidates are now hereby informed to submit 2 sets of attested photo copies of the following mentioned relevant certificates in the office of the concerned district Chief Educational Officer as mentioned against their Roll Numbers in the list now published, if they are eligible and possess the relevant certificates with them.
1.Certificates for PSTM for SSLC, H.S.C. or its equivalent and Technical qualification Certificates (as mentioned in the paragraph No.4 Qualification in the Notification) in the prescribed format.
2. Identity Card and Passbook with Disability Certificate issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu for the following categories as per G.O.Ms.No.68, School Education (SE3(1)) Department, dated 17.04.2017 and G.O.Ms.No. 21, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP.3.2) Department, dated 30.05.2017
Category I : (a) Blindness and Low vision
Category II : (b) Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Category III : (c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, muscular dystrophy
Category IV: (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness and (e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d)
3. Destitute widow certificate obtained from competent authority
4. Ex-Servicemen certificate obtained from competent authority
As per G.O.MS.No.89, Personal and Administrative reforms (s) Department dated 12-08-2015, An Ex-Servicemen once recruitment to a post in any class (or) service (or) category cannot claim the concession of being called an Ex-Servicemen for this recruitment.
For physical education teacher category, the Board had received representations from the differently abled candidates that no option was provided in the online application to claim reservation for person with disability and hence, the Board has decided to offer an opportunity for all the differently abled candidates who are qualified in the physical education teacher recruitment examination held on 23.09.2017 to submit the relevant document to the concerned district Chief Educational Officer.
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the list and in publishing it. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors at any stage that may have crept in. Incorrect list would not confer any right of enforcement.
Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in.
It is hereby informed that this is not a call for certificate verification. No further time will be provided for submission of necessary certificates for claiming PSTM/PWD/Ex-Servicemen/DW
Click - List of Candidates for Submission of PSTM certificates who were not called for CV earlier
Click - List of Candidates for Submission of DW certificate who were not called for CV earlier